I have noticed an interesting trend in the job posting ads in the Atlanta area and in neighboring counties. As I read the job descriptions and qualifications, the posting also requests that applicants must live within the area of the job. I am sure this trend is happening because of the heavy commute times Atlantans face especially in the morning. The local news channels do a great job of keeping commuters up-to-date on traffic conditions on the major interstates. Once you hear of a tie-up, it's a good idea to try and leave the house an extra 10-15 minutes early.
I guess this is why the job postings are being more blunt in wanting their potential employees to live in the area or at least only a few miles away from the company. The cost of living in the city or even north of the city is not cheap and many workers just can't afford it. Thus, they reside in the areas where they have no choice but make the long commute to work.
In this tough job market, I believe job seekers are willing to commute to wherever they can land a job. I also believe that applicants do give serious thought to the cost of the commute in gas, wear and tear on their car when they consider applying for a job. However, if you have no paycheck coming in, a long commute is the least of your worries.
I think employers may be missing out on potential talent when their job postings read that the person must live in the area. I can see applicants not bothering to apply because they probably won't be considered. Just think, the most dependable, reliable, and punctual person is just waiting to get hired, but they live don't live in the area.
She's Baaaack!
9 years ago
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